Waldorf Community of Color Affinity Group

The Waldorf Community of Color Affinity Group, facilitated by Christina More, parent at the Green Meadow Waldorf School, has been created for Waldorf community members to share and support each other in racial conversations. This affinity group is open to …

Important Grade School Update

November 17, 2020 Dear CLWS Grades Families, I want to begin by acknowledging our collective accomplishment in completing almost 12 weeks of in person learning during a global pandemic. Gratefully, we have had 0 positive cases among students and staff …

Welcome, Early Childhood Families!

Below you will find more information about City of Lakes Waldorf School’s Early Childhood programs, and the best way to get in touch with us to learn more. We look forward to connecting with you! Get in Touch With Us …

Pentathlon Reflections

On Thursday, September 24 our sixth grade students participated in a unique Pentathlon event as a culmination of their studies of Ancient Greece that typically takes place in the spring of their fifth grade year. We are proud of all …

Join Our Safe Start Campaign

Dear City of Lakes Waldorf School Community, We are two weeks away from welcoming our beloved students back to the school building for the first time in more than five months. School administration and faculty, with the leadership of our …

Return to School Update: Scenario Plan for the Start of School

(Updated August 3, 2020) City of Lakes Waldorf School is committed to providing a Waldorf educational experience in a caring learning environment that is developmentally appropriate, well-rounded, and experiential for students, which allows them to grow academically, physically, socially, and …

Ways to Ease the Transition Back to School

As we turn our collective gaze towards the transition back to school, City of Lakes Waldorf School is prepared to assist families with the emotional stress some students may be experiencing in relation to their return to school. The joy …

Spotlight on Change

Keeping Progress, and Sometimes Paralysis at the Forefront for Conversation A Message from the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee From its founding as a “city school,” City of Lakes Waldorf School has aimed to reflect the wonderful diversity of Minneapolis, …

Summer Play Yard Improvements and Volunteer Opportunities

Though we are not able to proceed with the large scale renovation of our play yard planned for the summer due to the financial implications of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are moving forward with some initial work that will pave …

Play Yard Renovation

Play yard rendering by CLWS parent, Matt Sletten Make Your Gift Our play yard is more than just a space; it is the heart of our school. This summer City of Lakes Waldorf School will make a major renovation to …