In the News: How Learning a Musical Instrument Increases Brain Power

A 4th grade student learns to play the xylophone

New studies from MIT and the University of Zürich show that when it comes to teaching kids, it’s music—not coding—that actually has long term transferable developmental, cognitive, and academic benefits. According to a summary of the January 2021 study conducted …

In the News: How Arts Education Deepens Learning

A fourth grade student uses watercolors to paint a map of Minnesota.

Arts education helps students build resilience and determination, and allows them to deepen their learning and master complex skills. At City of Lakes Waldorf School, we consistently integrate the arts as a teaching tool throughout our curriculum. Read how insights …

A Peek Into First Grade, Part II: Regulation

By Peter Lawton, First Grade Teacher This is the second of a two-part “peek” into the first grade and the four ‘R’s of Waldorf education. The first part explored the first three ‘R’s—reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. This second part addresses …

In the News: Why Social-Emotional Learning is More Important Than Ever

5th grade students participate in the outbreath activity of clay modeling, as part of our focus on emotional regulation.

Teaching social-emotional skills is critically important, both for helping students to be resilient in challenging circumstances, as well as building the empathy and emotional intelligence that students will need for their future. Hand-in-hand with our outstanding academics, our curriculum focuses …

“The Fierce Urgency of Now”: A Peek into 5th Grade

You may have noticed the vibrant installation along the fence in front of our school building—letters made out of twigs and yarn that spell out Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s powerful words: “The Fierce Urgency of Now.” We have our …

In the News: The Importance of Intrinsic Motivation

Research has shown that motivation flourishes when students feel autonomous, supported and competent. According to the New York Times, “Intrinsic motivation is the one [motivation type] that tends to be prized in educational circles, and with good reason. It is …

Why We Prioritize the Student-Teacher Relationship

“Waldorf education is…knowing that my daughter is being taken care of on many levels. It’s a bit like having another branch of parenting happening when she walks through those doors.” –CLWS Parent At City of Lakes Waldorf School, teaching goes …

Important Grade School Update

December 30, 2020 Dear CLWS Grades Families, This communication provides you with information regarding our learning model for the next eight weeks, beginning with our return to school on Monday, January 11. It outlines a phased transition to more in-person …

Store by the Door Holiday Gift Guide

We love helping you find the perfect gifts for your little (and not so little) ones, and even though we can’t walk all of you through our selection, we can bring you some highlights right here! These are a few …

A Peek Into First Grade

By Peter Lawton, First Grade Teacher First grade is all about the traditional four ‘R’s—reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic, and regulation! Reading As part of our various reading activities, students “gather” letters/sounds from the fairy tales they are told each day. Sounds, …