Waldorf Alumni Connection Hour: Mentoring Month

Hey, alums! The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) will host their next Waldorf Alum Connection Hour on Monday, March 14, at 6:30 pm for Waldorf alumni, staff, and alumni parents. Are you seeking support with finding a new …

Upcoming Work with Sarah Bellamy of Penumbra Center for Racial Healing

Dear CLWS Community, As we continue our journey towards becoming a more welcoming, equitable, diverse and inclusive school environment, we look forward to working with Sarah Bellamy, President of Penumbra Center for Racial Healing (formerly Penumbra Theatre). Following affirmation by …

Save the Date for the 2022 Circus!

Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26 | Music Box Theatre Get ready for the long anticipated return of the CLWS annual circus to the Music Box Theatre with Radio Station Identification: WCRS! This live radio station plays it all, from country western …

Carlisle Evans Peck Featured in 11th Annual Cedar Commissions

We are excited to share that Music Teacher Carlisle Evans Peck has been chosen as one of six artists to take part in the Cedar Cultural Center’s 2022 round of commissions! The Cedar Commissions have been showcasing local emerging composers …

A Message from Our Administrative Director

The following remarks were shared by our Administrative Director, Marti Stewart, to begin our All School Meeting on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. Good evening. Thank you for joining us tonight. Tonight we’d like to share some updates and snapshots of …

The New Smart: Educating for an Uncertain Future

Our fourth grade students joyfully perform for the school community during our Autumn Festival of Courage

With increasingly rapid changes in technology and the nature of work, employers are interested not just in intelligence and social skills, but in an employee’s adaptability quotient, or AQ–their ability to adapt to new challenges with flexibility, curiosity, problem-solving, courage, …

Alumni Spotlight: Lilian Carroll (CLWS ’03)

By Eva Mulloy (CLWS ’10), Alumni Coordinator This month we are excited to shine a light on Lilian Carroll (Fithian-Zurn), who graduated from City of Lakes Waldorf School in 2003. Earlier this fall, Lilian started Bramblebee Baby, an organic baby …

A Greener Childhood Associated with a Happier Adulthood

A group of students explores the rocky shores of Lake Superior

Recent research indicates that access to the outdoors in childhood is strongly associated with happiness, mental health, and well-being in adulthood. “The effect is remarkable,” says Kelly Lambert, a neuroscientist at the University of Richmond who studies the psychological effects …