6th Grade Modern Day Knights

Sixth graders at City of Lakes Waldorf School study the customs and traditions surrounding chivalry for their Knighting Project. The project involves them in the community service to help draw out their most noble qualities and help them live up to those qualities every …

Sponsorship Bio: J Dubbe Design

Jackie Dubbe Ohana began as a high school art and English teacher, then worked as a newspaper editor. But she wanted more creativity and artistry in her life, and she’d always loved rolling up her sleeves to tackle remodeling projects. She went …

Sponsor Biography: Uptown Dermatology

Jaime Davis, MD, is a City of Lakes Waldorf School parent, and owner of Uptown Dermatology. She’s an American Board of Dermatology Certified, Mayo-educated dermatologist and we are proud to have her as a member of our community and as a City …

What is the Grades Winter Festival?

For New Families: What to Expect at the Winter Festival By Parent Association Co-chair, Sara Chovan   Please be seated at the church across the street by 10:15 or 10:20 am Festival begins at 10:30 am, and will run until …

Learning How to Juggle

By: Mr. Burnstein, Movement & Games Teacher with source material and writing excerpts by Jackie Davis Every City of Lakes Waldorf School student masters the art of juggling!   This is a lofty goal but it is by no means impossible.  …

New Families: What to Expect at Michaelmas Festival

By: Sara Chovan, Parent Association Co-Chair Is this Michaelmas the first student-centered festival you will be attending at City of Lakes Waldorf School? Read on for details: What: Michaelmas Grades Festival When: Monday, October 6, at 1:30 pm (recently rescheduled due to …

A Settled Happy Child

By: Elena Orsak, Oak Kindergarten Teacher The children are happy, and exhausted.  It takes a lot from everyone to make the transition from summer to school.  You may feel that schedule wise it is simpler and easier, and it probably …

New Families: Welcome to the Bike-A-Thon!

by: Sara Chovan   Welcome to a new school year!  For families who are new to the school, information about the events and festivals can be really important. The Parent Association aims to be a resource to families who want more …

Grade 8 Language Arts Benchmarks

By the end of the year, students can:   Independently read a wide variety of young-adult-appropriate texts including non-fiction, magazine articles, newspaper articles, novels, poems and reports. Independently write all content in main lesson books Accurately summarize main lesson presentations …