By: Becky Larson Most of you immediately recognized Betsy Leighton, our Communications, Technology and Administrative Support Coordinator in her track gear back in 1988. One parent discovered she used to compete with Betsy on the track back in college! What fun. …
Guess Who? Meet Jenny Nelson!
By: Becky Larson “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” -Socrates The sunglasses and hat may have disguised Jenny Nelson at first, but her bright smile and humor come shining through in this photograph of her from 1988. A California girl, …
Guess Who? Meet Sarina Yospin!
By: Becky Larson Sarina Yospin first encountered Waldorf kids one summer while working at Journey’s End Farm Camp. She noticed something different about the young people who attended Waldorf schools right away. “They’d be walking around singing rounds or they’d …
Meet the Coordinating Committee
Our Coordinating Committee serves as a communication hub for City of Lakes Waldorf School’s governing bodies. The Committee is made up of individuals who have taken on leadership roles for the duration of the school year and represent the Parent …
Guess Who? Valerie Aas
By: Becky Larson It was a bit tricky to pick this week’s Guess Who from the trio of pageant contestants in this photo. (I did give a hint though: Look for the Brunette!) Many of you had no trouble recognizing …
Guess Who? Ms Jessica Crawford
By: Becky Larson Jessica Crawford, City of Lake’s Waldorf School’s grade 1 teacher was readily recognizable to many of you in this portrait! In a wonderful coincidence, Donna Webb, artist and Novalis Institute teacher, was the one to take this portrait …
Guess Who? Timothy Frantzich
By: Becky Larson This week’s Guess Who was tricky for some, and a snap for others- I received a variety of replies! This 25 year old photo of Mr. Timothy Frantzich, our Grade 2 teacher, recalled a vintage record album …
Guess Who? Meet Melissa McPartland
By: Becky Larson Many of you knew who was in this photo the moment you saw it- I didn’t receive a single incorrect guess. Melissa McPartland, Kindergarten Teacher, looks so very much like herself in this photo! She recently sat …
Guess Who? Meet Stasia Verdoljak
By Becky Larson This photograph from 25 years ago was a great way to kick off our Guess Who series, because this photo was a stumper! There were over 27 guesses before someone guessed the correct answer. So without further …