Alumni Spotlight: Elizabeth Omizo (CLWS ‘11)

Elizabeth Omizo and Ello Clinical Nutrition

This month we are excited to shine a light on Elizabeth Omizo, who graduated from City of Lakes Waldorf School in 2011. Elizabeth holds a BS in exercise sport science and a MS in clinical nutrition, and is a certified …

2024 CLWS Plant Sale

Lavender, Zahara Sunburst Zinnias, and organic lettuce are just a few of the great plants you'll find in this year's CLWS plant sale

The 7th and 8th grade classes are proud to kick off spring with our beloved annual Plant Sale! All proceeds support the 8th grade class trips. Orders will be accepted through Wednesday, May 1. To view what is being offered …

Store by the Door Tiny Crafts: Join Us!

The Store by the Door will be offering two FREE “tiny craft” offerings in February to celebrate Valentine’s Day! All ages are welcome with caregiver supervision/help. Heart-shaped Beeswax Candles Friday, February 2, 2:30 – 4:00 pm Come and make these …

December Community Newsletter: Happy Solstice!

“…This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go and becomes the future.” —Margaret Atwood Dear City of Lakes Waldorf School Community, Seasons greetings from …

CLWS Lantern Festival

Lanterns illuminate the night during City of Lakes Waldorf School's Lantern Walk Festival in Minneapolis

As the nights grow longer and the days grow shorter, and we begin to settle into the cozy darkness of late autumn/early winter, we find ourselves more aware of the interplay of the light and the dark, and the beauty …

8th Grade Graduation

The 8th grade class walks down the front steps of the building, big smiles shining bright, ready to head out into the world!

Family, friends, and community members are invited to the graduation ceremony honoring the CLWS Class of 2023 on Tuesday, June 6, at 6:30 pm at The Blaisdell (2322 Blaisdell Ave). The ceremony features music from the students, addresses from students and teachers, …

8th Grade Trip Reflections

The view of the ocean from a mountaintop on Catalina Island, CA

by Jessica Crawford, 8th Grade Co-Teacher First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who bought cards, CLWS apparel, wreaths and greens, plants, and PIZZA! We really appreciate your support, as it made our wonderful, culminating class trip possible! The 8th …

2023 Pentathlon Reflections

A photo of the 5th graders with arms stretched upwards, cheering after their Pentathlon, and the students play as the sun sets over the beautiful rolling hills of the Driftless region of WI

By Jason Burnstein, Movement and Circus Arts Teacher The moment we turned off of the road running along the Mississippi River and headed into the Driftless area of southwestern Wisconsin, I felt that feeling in my soul like I was …