Waldorf Chalk Drawing: Happy May Day!

Watch how our Admissions Director and Cyber Civics Teacher, Soni Albright, creates one of her signature chalk masterpieces in the time lapse video above. May the promise of spring, the joy of song and dance, and the inspiration of community …

Tutorial: Woven Paper May Day Baskets

By Corinne Gill, School Store Coordinator The May Day tradition of dropping a flower basket at a loved one’s door is such a lovely ritual, and an especially fitting way to show you care in this time of social distancing. …

100 Masks for Health

Hey crafty community: Can we make 100 masks to donate to our Healthcare Heroes by May 5? Or can you donate materials so others can? A global giving campaign called Giving Tuesday is creating a special day to help organizations through the …

Capital Campaign Update

By Anne O’Connor, Development Director So much has happened since our wonderful gathering on February 29 to kick-off the public phase of our Capital Campaign: Affirming our Foundation, Forging our Future. Let’s think back for just a moment to that …

7th Grade Plant Sale: Orders Due May 1!

Support the City of Lakes Waldorf School Class of 2021 and their eighth grade trip by purchasing locally grown plants for your home and garden! The 7th grade class is partnering with Green Earth Growers, a female-owned, sustainable greenhouse in …

Second Grade Math Discoveries

By Darcie Steeves, 2nd Grade Teacher “My mother made a chocolate cake! How many eggs did it take? 9, 18, 27, 36…” Do you remember jumping rope as a child along to some sort of rhyme? Maybe you started with …

Creating a Nature Mandala

By Kelly Shay As we celebrate Earth Day and welcome a New Moon, I invite you—using elements and natural objects from the Earth—to create a mandala with your family this week. Creating a mandala using items found in nature can …

Methods for Reducing Stress and Anxiety

There are many causes for stress and anxiety in our changing world. The following ideas, for children and caregivers, can help reduce the stress we are all experiencing these days. Prioritize time outside. We cannot say enough about the benefits …

Maintaining Healthy Connections While Social Distancing

Many students and families have now experienced several weeks at home without school and without additional school related activities, like sports, music lessons, play dates, etc. Everyone’s lives have changed unexpectedly; this sudden change can lead to unease—and a natural …