The first grade is an exciting time at our school, as children transition from the familiarity of home or kindergarten into a more formal learning environment. While this can bring on first grade jitters, your first grade child has a sense of wonder and imagination perfectly suited to this new challenge. And our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to reward this curiosity, laying the foundation for lifetime learning.
First Grade
Your first grader will learn:
Language Arts: Letters and vocabulary through pictures, poems, class plays and storytelling
Literature: Folk and fairy tales
Mathematics: Number patterns and concepts, the four operations
Science: Nature study
Spanish: Greetings, colors, numbers, and basic phrases
Physical Education: Cooperative clapping and rhyming games, chasing games, jump rope, parachute play and dancing
Handwork: Basic knitting stitch leads to increasingly complex projects like a pouch, ball and cat
Art: Watercolor painting, beeswax modeling and form drawing
Music: Recorder and singing